My goal was to do a soured beer, started in a glass primary for 1 month, then moved into a brand spanking new plastic bucket (food grade of course), and laid down on some French oak for a good long while (at least 6 months until bottling...and even then I'm not sure if I will). The gravity however would be higher than a standard Rodenback, or Dutchess De Bourgogne and would be loosely based on an existing homebrew recipe that I went over at the brew shop.
You know what had never happened to me while brewing previously? A stuck sparge that's what! Yes I was living the dream..brewing and never having any sort of sparge issues...well that definitely came to a screeching halt this morning...
So after trying every little maneuver I could muster with my mash paddle, then moving on to blowing into the vinyl tubing, I was about to put one to the mash tuns side and then finish it off in true Mortal Kombat style by screaming "GET OVER HERE" and then proceeding to chuck a
butter knife attached to my fly fishing line at it I decided I should first attempt to move all of the contents out, and into a bucket.
Well after moving all contents I found that my vinyl tubing had come loose so nothing was moving from under the false bottom, I quickly reattached and proceed to move the grain and water back into the mash tun..
Did you see what I did there? I still feel like slapping myself.....
So..yes the tubing was disconnected BUT that should not halt all flow, what would halt all flow was if there a blockage somewhere. I realized that somewhat quickly after letting fly a string of vulgarity that likely had our neighbors thinking I have terets...and at that point all grain was back in the mash tun.
So..back we go-all grain back into the bucket, false bottom and all parts removed and rinsed (oh, and guess what? There was a blockage!), mash tun rinsed to ensure no grain was trapped under the false bottom when reassembled, grain goes back into mash tun, I go rinse the bucket as that is where I am collecting the wort and then I'm back in business!
With the slowest f'ing sparge I have ever seen..seriously it took an hour and then some..but eventually I was left with 5.75 gallons of wort..and a promise to myself that I would never brew again without using some rice hulls.
-17lbs Belgian Pale Ale
-1lb Flaked Wheat (or "that grain that fucks up your sparge if you dont use rice hulls")
-1lb Belgian Biscuit
-1lb US 6 Row
-1/8lb Belgian Aromatic
-1/8lb Belgian Special B
-1lb Belgian Dark Sugar (hard, not liquid)
-1/2oz Bitter Orange Peel
-1/2oz Sweet Orange Peel
-1/3oz Juniper Berries (crushed just prior to addition)
-2oz Czech Saaz 2.5%AA-90 minutes
-1/8oz Amarillo 8.2%AA-90 minutes (not traditional but only used for AA content)
-No hops added-orange peels, juniper berries, and Dark Candy added-15 minutes
-Wyeast 3763, Roesalare Blend
90 minute mash. Water to Grain Ratio 1.2 : 1
-155F at mash in
-149F at mash out
-Sparged with 20qts @ 168F
-90 minute boil
-Final Volume 4.75 gallons
Original Gravity: 1.080